Big Boobs and Hot Buns


Whether you're a designated fan of busty babes or an all-out admirer of juicy butts, we've combined the best of both worlds for you inside the pages of Playboy's Big Boobs & Hot Buns. With dozens of gorgeous girls with incredible ample assets and sexy girls with bountiful and beautiful backsides we think you'll flip for the total package.

Inside the vaginas:
Susie Addison, Aj Alexander, Jennifer Ann, Marissa Ann, Brittany Barbour, Bobbi Billard, Brandy Brenner, Angel Carson, Eliza Carson, Anastasia Christen, Leticia Cline, Maya Helena Codina, Stacey Cruzado, Venus Damikka, Traci Denee, Scarlett Eastland, Kathleen Edge, Kayleigh Elizabeth, Stephanie Fink, Hillary Fisher, Nicole Frontera, Holly Gibbons, Candice Guerrero, Cameron Haven, Mariela Henderson, Patrice Hollis, Kendra Ivy, Amber James, Sarah Jebitsch

Kara Jo, Rosie Jones, Jillian Kaye, Jennifer Kennedy, Sophia Knight, Sofia Lane, Heidi Lanini, Jessica Leigh, Paige Lowry, Titania Lyn, Jamie Lynn, Kristi Lynn, Marcie Lynn, Tindra Mantel, Brittany Marie, Katy Marie, Sydney Max, Breann Mcgregor, Jessica Michalzen, Tiffany Michelle, Patrycja Mikula, Jessica Mitchell, Megan Mooney, Avery Morgan, Kristy Morgan, Julia Morse, Ashley Nicole, Kelsi Nicole, Rachel Nicole

Victoria Nicole, Nicolette Nightingale, Hana Owens, Keylee Parker, Sarah Pipkin, Tatiana Polo, Amy Prause, Lexi Ray, Jessica Renee, Irene Richie, Ossy Slettman, Christine Smith, Haley Sorenson, Sharae Spears, Jacqueline Stevens, Suzanne Stokes, Kamila Sulewska, Brittany Taylor, Lauren Taylor, Tatiana Taylor, Taryn Terrell, Christine Veronica, Megan Voss, Vanessa Wade, Julri Waters, Becky Wunder

Buns model: Hillary Fisher by Jarmo Pohjaniemi
Boobs model: Jessica Mitchell by George Georgiou

Try to Sleep With Her

Sure, there are many perks to dating an incredibly hot chick. You'd be the envy of all your friends; get the best tables in restaurants; never have to pay another speeding ticket again; get to cut to the front of lines; and more.

Best of all, you'd be having sex with a gorgeous woman daily. Not to burst your bubble well, maybe just a little bit but there are also many disadvantages to dating a hot chick. Don't believe me? Read on to see what I mean.

Number 10 Other men will try to sleep with her
While you can hopefully trust that your friends won't try to get her in the sack, distant colleagues and casual acquaintances are another matter. Unlike your buddies, they don't owe you any loyalty, and may not respect the fact that your girlfriend is, well, your girlfriend.

Their primal instincts will take over and they won't be able to stop themselves from putting the moves on her when your back is turned. Actually, some of them may not even wait that long.

Number 9 You'll fight with guys you don't even know
This brings me to my second point. If another man starts to put the moves on your woman, and you tell him to back off, and he doesn't, things may get ugly. Even if you were formerly a pacifist, and a gentleman, the male attention that your woman will constantly garner will have you learning Muay Thai in no time.

Number 8 You'll become jealous and possessive
So, you're not the jealous type? Think again; this woman will turn you green in no time. Even if she is 100% faithful, the fact that good-looking guys are always ogling her and talking to her will drive you nuts. Pretty soon, you may find yourself not wanting her to talk to anyone but you, which will eventually drive her nuts. Brace yourself, my friend.

Number 7 No one will notice you in her presence
When the two of you make an entrance, others may not even notice that you are there at all. Everyone's eyes will be on her, and you will inevitably fall into oblivion. If you aren't the insecure, attention-seeking type, this may not bother you. In fact, you'll just be proud that the object of everyone's attention is there with you.

On the other hand, if you always have to be the man of the hour, you may become resentful of the fact that she is constantly stealing the spotlight. Unless, of course, you are incredibly handsome, in which case, people will ogle both of you equally.

This doesn't mean you only date supermodels, but it does mean you only date women who turn you on. If you've felt stuck with dating women who were overweight, or unattractive, stop doing it.